WEEE, the Environment and the consumer
Why recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment
Waste electrical equipment is a rapidly growing waste stream
in Europe. Significant amounts of WEEE have been consigned to landfill, taking
up space and leaving behind environmentally damaging toxic substances. In
Ireland, we have had a particular problem with fridges and cookers and other
appliances being dumped on mountainsides and country lanes.
What is the WEEE Directive and what does it do?
To tackle these issues across Europe, the European Union has
introduced the WEEE Directive. The Directive requires that all producers of
electrical and electronic equipment finance the recovery and recycling of waste
electrical and electronic household equipment.
What should I do with electrical waste?
We all have a responsibility for electrical and electronic
waste. Waste electrical and electronic equipment contains hazardous materials
which pose a threat to our environmental and human health. Such waste must be
properly sorted, de-contaminated and disassembled.
Therefore, waste electrical and electronic equipment must
not be placed in a household bin. The free collection and recycling of old
appliances is designed to make sure this hazardous waste is sent for re-use or
recycling. Even small appliances such as hairdryers and portable music players
should not be put in the bin but brought for recycling.
WEEE & Battery Take –Back
Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste
batteries must never be placed in your waste disposal or recycling bins. WEEE
is taken back free of charge at electrical retail outlets on a one for one like
basis. There is a container for small batteries in your local store. Local
authority civic amenity facilities also take back WEEE & waste batteries
free of charge. WEEE & waste battery recycling is free.
WEEE and waste batteries can be taken back at the following
Tower Records 6 -8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2 PH 01-6713250
Tower Records 40 Lower O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 PH 01-8786680
Tower Records is required by law to take back waste
electrical goods and electronic equipment from customers free of charge.
Take back is on a one-for- one basis only and the appliance
being returned must be of a similar type or have performed the same function as
the new item purchased. For example, retailers are not obliged to accept a
fridge where the consumer has purchased a toaster.
Where goods are bought over the counter, retailers must take
back the old product in-store either at the time of sale or within a maximum of
15 days of the date of sale, provided the consumer can provide proof of
Collection of WEEE on delivery of new appliances:
Where a new appliance or equipment is being delivered, for
example a new washing machine, cooker etc., the seller of the product must take
back the old appliance. You may contact customer services at info@towerrecords.ie to arrange free
take of WEEE products.
(i) On the delivery of a new product either at the time of
delivery, provided the old product has been cleaned and disconnected from any
utilities and is ready for immediate collection, or
(ii) At their premises within a maximum of 30 days from the
date of delivery. Retailers must give 24 hours notice of a delivery or else
return within 15 days to collect the old appliance.
Each local authority must accept household WEEE free of
charge at its civic amenity facilities from members of the public.
You can access information at http://www.recyclefree.ie/civicamenity.html